Wednesday, October 9, 2013

September Favorites!!

I'm a little late to the game since we're already 9 days into October, but I seriously have not had the time to get anything blog related done! I thought it would be fun to do a monthly favorites kind of blog once a month. I shall normally post these closer to the beginning of the month, though!

I had a lot of things I used and liked for the month of September but I'm only  including things that I couldn't live without!

This stuff is magical! There are times when I don't have time to let my hair dry before I leave the house. You know you all have had that problem! Well, this stuff does wonders! It's a dry shampoo. I just flip my hair over and spray it (just like aerosol hairspray) at my roots and comb it through. It really freshens up my hair! It makes it soft and gives it a fresh scent.  Of course, if you've gone a week without shampooing your hair then this stuff probably wouldn't do much good. But if it just needs a boost until your shower that night, then this stuff is for you! I got it in a pack of 2 at Target for around $5!

This is a travel size bottle of lotion from Victoria's Secret. It's one of my all time favorite scents! (Love Spell is my favorite!) It's great for on the go moisturizing! Berry Kiss is a wild raspberry, praline, and rose scent. I don't know how much it was because I got it as a gift.

Being an Avon Rep, I get to try a ton of products... and this one happens to be my current favorite scent. Technically it's more of a fall scent (Cranberry &Cinnamon screams holidays to me!!) but I got it at the end of September and started using it right away! I was so excited because I've always wanted a body spray that was cinnamon scented but failed to find one. When I found this, I jumped on it right away. I was kind of disappointed at first because the cranberry over powered the cinnamon. But after wearing it for a couple of days I that I really did love it! It is very holiday-esque. I'm looking forward to using this all through the holidays!

Another one of my favorite Avon products is their Glimmersticks eyeliner. This one is their diamond line of that particular product. I love them all, so I didn't include a picture of the color of this one. (It's called Smoky Diamond, btw.) They glide on so smoothly and have AWESOME staying power.

And last but not least.. *drum roll please* It's Ringin' In The New Year by me! Glimmering Polish. It's one of the polishes that will be going up on my Storenvy shop in the next couple of weeks! Be on the lookout for it!
 It's filled with tons of micro glitters as well as multiple colors of hex glitter. So far, this one is the one that has generated the most popularity out of the ones I've let people sample and test out. I can't wait to let this and the others be available to you! There will be a detailed blog post about where you can find my polishes in the next couple of weeks.  

Daily Happenings
  • My nail mail buddy, Jessica, and I are finally swapping our first packages. I can't wait for her to get the one I sent to her. And, truthfully, I'm nearly bouncing off the walls to get hers. =)
  • I have become a glitter fiend. I order glitter on a weekly basis, it seems...
  • Wednesdays are usually my busiest day but today I'm taking it easy and getting some blogs scheduled and working on my store. And possibly playing some video games here and there. ;) 

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