Wednesday, August 28, 2013

~An introduction~

There's been a lot on my mind lately ~ friends, jobs, family, etc. One of the only things that has kept me excited about waking up the next day is the thought of trying new nail polish products and reviewing them. I'm certainly not doing this for popularity... I wouldn't care if I had only one follower. I'm doing this for myself so I can see AND find the best products out there. If I happen to help someone with my opinion that's even better!

~A little bit about myself~

I'm 26 (Almost 27! 9/23 is my birthday!)
I'm crafty and creative.
Sometimes I forget that autocorrect doesn't exist on a computer.
My favorite color is sparkle!
My favorite bands are Skillet and Imagine Dragons.
My favorite TV show is Grey's Anatomy.
I'm addicted to video games.
I live in Illinois but I've never been to Chicago.
My favorite city is St. Louis, MO.
I have a cupcake business.
I am an Aunt.
I am a best friend.
I am a Christian.

*Every opinion will be my own honest feeling about a product*


  1. Great first post. =) I wish you the best of luck and many many followers.

    1. Awww! Thanks! That means a lot! It's kind of hard to get my blog up and going when my camera decided to be mean to me. Haha!
